About Me

I am a 42 yr old mother to 3 beautiful children, ages 19, 15,and 9. (two have type 1 diabetes.) I am married to my best friend for over 18 yrs. My life has been amazingly turned around by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Life is busy & difficult at times, but I try to remember how very blessed we are. This blog is where I talk about homemaking, homeschooling, struggles we face with our daughter and the challanges of day to day life with juvenile diabetes.

Friday, April 10, 2009

We finally watched the movie Fireproof last night. I loved it, I love all three of the movies they have made. What a wonderful work God has done through those movies, for years to come lives will be touched by those films. Anyone who hasn't seen them, run to the nearest rental store and get Flywheel, Facing the giants, & Fireproof. I must say that my favorite is the first one Flywheel, the film quality is not quite as good as the others but the message is so strong.
Autumn is home for the weekend she is doing very well. I let the boys stay home from school today to spend time with their sister. I am looking foreword to Easter, having the family get together. Today we must get some housework done, Tomorrow we plan on dying eggs.

We have a new batch of kittens this week (5) tiny gray & white, the boys are just loving it. Even I have to admit that there's not much cuter then little kittens. The recent cold weather may have killed some of my garden :( I'm not sure what will bounce back & what is gone, I plan to get new seeds started this week to replace any plants that are lost. Caden has a book that he loves called the Oak inside the acorn, while I was digging some dirt for my lettuce plants we found an acorn that had rooted, I showed it to Caden & transplanted it to a container, explaining that some day when he was grown up, it would be a big oak tree, he can plant it & have his very own tree. It has really grown the past few weeks. What a great opportunity to show how just like God has a plan for the tiny acorn to become a big strong oak, he has a plan for each of us to become
the person God designed us to be. Happy Easter

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