About Me

I am a 42 yr old mother to 3 beautiful children, ages 19, 15,and 9. (two have type 1 diabetes.) I am married to my best friend for over 18 yrs. My life has been amazingly turned around by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Life is busy & difficult at times, but I try to remember how very blessed we are. This blog is where I talk about homemaking, homeschooling, struggles we face with our daughter and the challanges of day to day life with juvenile diabetes.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Cadens week of school

Caden is doing well in his schoolwork, this week we are working on reading vowel blends, along with review of CVC words. We continue to work with sight words by playing our sight word matching game ( he loves to beat me, the little stinker) some of our words this week are
hear, seat, tour, mean, sea, eat, lie, boy, room, road, them, plow, bed, sun, went, town.
He has one work book left in the Rod and Staff ABC series, after which I have decided to use a Charlotte Mason style copy book for lang. arts. I found a wonderful family website that supplies CM school supplies, I am going to provide a link in the side bar for anyone who might want to check them out.
He has finished his Mathematical reasoning pre- K book and I have to decide what to use for the next step in his math . . In Science we are half way through the Christian Liberty Nature Reader. (We really need to be outside getting in some nature study but it's cold...) I am planning some field trips out and about the community coming up ( post office, fire station, water plant, ect..)
So thats what Caden is up to this week. Here is a sample of writing from this week

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