About Me

I am a 42 yr old mother to 3 beautiful children, ages 19, 15,and 9. (two have type 1 diabetes.) I am married to my best friend for over 18 yrs. My life has been amazingly turned around by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Life is busy & difficult at times, but I try to remember how very blessed we are. This blog is where I talk about homemaking, homeschooling, struggles we face with our daughter and the challanges of day to day life with juvenile diabetes.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Thoughts on Z &b-ball

Yesterday I sat watching Z practice B-ball and I was just amazed by him. He has never played before and just a few weeks ago, he new nothing about the game, he couldn't dribble, shoot, ect. anything...he has improved so much! He is really starting to understand the plays and what is expected of him. I think his coach is doing a great job, but what makes the difference is HIM (yes, I am bragging). He gives 200% of what is asked of him, he is a great team player, (looking out for his team mates). Such a good spirit and willingness to do what is asked. Now don't ask me why I was surprised by this yesterday, because that is just how he is, and how he has always been. What crossed my mind while I watched him, is how blessed I am to get to be this young man's mother, how fast his childhood is going by, and just how much I will miss these days when he has grown up.

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